In these times of rising health care costs and greater difficulties acquiring affordable health care insurance, it is a good idea to choose a healthy lifestyle. Massage Therapy is a long term, personal investment towards maintaining and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
Massage Therapy for Women
Therapeutic Bodywork for Women & Their Families.
We work with clients to enhance their health care goals and maintain a state of physical and mental well-being.
$53 One Hour Massage
Please call for an appointment:
(617) 301-8352
Book Your Custom Massage Experience
Each session is individualized, whether be relief from low back pain, tight neck and shoulders, or overall relaxation. In my over 30 years of massage practice, I have learned that what is most important is that the client and I work together so that the client receives the pain relief and stress relief they are looking for.
Contact Us Any Time
(617) 301-8352
(617) 529-6042
Texting is the best way to reach me.
Contact Us Any Time
(617) 301-8352
(617) 529-6042
Texting is the best way to reach me.